Monday, August 18, 2008

Venezuela is the best country in the World

Let me tell you why Venezuela is amazing, one of the first things are the people, we are really happy and friendly; our women are the most beautiful in all the world, they are not only beautiful phisically, they are wonderful and strong.

Venezuela is next to Brazil and Colombia, we have a lot interersting places like: Angel Falls,it's the largest free falling in the world, my town "Merida" has big mountains and the lomgest cable car of the world,yes is true,it's 7,7 miles long and 13,336 ft to an altitude,on the mountain "Pico Espejo".

I'm sure that Venezuela has one of the most beautiful beaches, there are around 80 in the country.Our food is unique too, we have worderful and tasty plates.I'm so proud to be a Venezuelan.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

My Life

My name is Nestor Febres, but you can call me “tuto”, this is my nickname since I was born in February 26th, 1988, in Mérida, Venezuela. My father gave me this nickname, because my last name is Augusto, and the sound is similar to “tuto” ,that is real funny, because everybody call me like this ; I feel wear when the people call me “Nestor”, although I like my name. My family is awesome, I love them. My mom is the most special and important person for me, she is a Dentist, like I want to be, I’m very proud of her. I have two siblings, my sister is 25 years old, she has been living here in Richmond for 3 years and half , she is like my second mother; my little brother is 10 years old, he lives in Venezuela with my mom, his name is Luis Mario, he is physically like me when I was his age, we are like a photocopy, is impressive.
When I was just a kid, I remember that I never stopped playing or running all the time. I always broke my head after falling or jumping; I wanted to play with my sister friends, because they were older than me, I never liked losing, that is something that I change when I was growing up. My best moments were when I was in High School, my friends and I lived a lot experiences and adventures with: games versus others Schools, girls, homework , parties, etc; those things make me grow. One of my features is my love for sports, specially soccer; my favorite team is F.C.Barcelona, this team is great. My favorite music is Rock; I listening music almost the time, Incubus and Linkin Park are my favorites. I want to be a Dentist, and after that make a post-grade in other country, maybe United States or Europe.
I am so happy to be 20 years old, and having lived all this days with a lot feelings and emotions that make me be a better person, I hope two continue improving and learning the rest of my life, with my friends and family.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

My life in the United States

My life in the U.S Is a new experience never lived before; is very interesting, because I met a lot people from different countries, with new stories about their lives, their families, their adventures, and even about their cultures. Also, I have learned about the American people’s behavior; they are very punctual and polite; I really like that; another thing that I have learned is the importance of speaking English.

To improve my English I’m going to an ESOL class at ACDC two days a week; that is very important for me, because I feel great when I can talk with other people in this language, sometimes is not easy at all to understand everything that they say, but day by day I’m working on it. I like the combination of races and cultures that exist in this country a lot; we can see this in our classroom. Some of us are from South and Central America, others from Africa, Europe or Asia too, that is awesome, and we can share our cultures and traditions with the rest of the people. No matter where are you from, if you speak English you will make friends of all nationalities.

In conclusion, this experience will reminds in my memory for my entire life, because I have learned a lot things about the people, about the U.S and others countries too. The most important is that I I think that United States us my second home.